Thursday, April 18, 2013

YouTube Nerd Fun

A couple treats for my geeks ...

... and one for that one archaeologist I know ...


Mojourner said...

Metal, I had thought, had descended into dark fuzz with drano-vomit vocals. Apparently, it has devoved further into golf-resort-session-guitar-outtakes, or maybe NFL-pro-bowler-'reality'-competition-muzak

DLM said...

Well - also, this isn't real metal nor real music, even. It's just for fun.

The harsh vocals did come to the fore, but at a guess I'd say if you look to what's most popular it's more industrial metal than those guys (and girls). The most successful Drano drinkers *also* mix it up with more melodic tracks, and some bands shift between vocalists too. Metal the way I used to think of it - Megadeth, Dio, and even the "lite"-er side like hair bands - isn't really out there in that form so much anymore. A lot of current metal is either semi subcultural (there'll always be black metal/death metal guys working, but not making it to mega stardom) or gained more widespread success taking pages from Trent Reznor and Tool.