Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We Got Trouble, Right Here in River City

The other day I had trouble responding to comments on my own blog, but I really didn't think about it and moved right along. Today - though logged in - I can't comment on other blogs, which reminds me of the trouble I had the other day, and the way Blogger has been Very Very Irritating of late, leaving me out of my own Compose window for a couple months at least (unless I prefer just to have entirely unformatted posts; which seems an odd thing for a "compose" window to IMpose so arbitrarily - and pointlessly). Heedless Blogger. Stupid Blogger.

It's also been refusing me the popup in my own editing (HTML - blah) window to post links. Which - mildly irksome, but irksome even so.

What the heck is wrong with The Internets? Blah.

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