Sunday, November 7, 2010


It seems I haven't spent as much time neatening up my thoughts as I expected - but I have indubitably taken care of myself this weekend, and gotten very good rest for my troubles. As usual, those ideas I had thought to get into words are either less important than they seemed on Friday, or they're content to wait for a better frame of mind, the better to appear, themselves, in a worthwhile format.

It's been a pretty weekend, and the house is indeed clean, with laundry underway as is fitting for a Sunday evening. The work week will be very short this go-round; three days, as we get Veterans Day (there's a post happy to stand ready a while yet), and I took Friday as well. I mean to use the four-day weekend to do some final detail work in the kitchen, things put off too easily for a while now, with a job no longer quite so new. I'll also hit up the antique mall, and maybe the southside junk shop - and, if my mom and I can get in touch with them, my dear friend and her baby daughter might get a visit.

The first Sarcastic Broads Club meeting will be at my place, week after next. Kind of looking forward to that; something different, hopefully constructive.

Tonight, though - more ease and a little laundry, in my nice clean house. Then off to bed. What pleasure.

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